It's true, the older you get, the faster time flies. And I definitely think that's true for calendar years as well. September, October, November and December fly by almost as fast as the entire month of January.
In my opinion, each year seems to take about three months to get acquainted....a gentle nice to meet ya, so to speak. The weather is at it's coldest, we are comfortable with routine and refreshed from the time off for the holidays.
Then comes spring. And we all take time to stop and smell the flowers and enjoy the newness of life. We notice the birds singing louder and the flowers blooming brighter. And the increased warmth of the sun is eagerly welcomed.
The heat of summer naturally slows us down to a darn near halt! We sit longer. And put more ice cubes in our drinks. Routines are called off and more time is spent with friends. And then boom! the sound of the Fourth of July fireworks is really the starting gun for that calendar to start tipping. The rest of the summer slides past no matter how hard we try to grip each day.
Ready or not, the calendar tilts and dumps us on the fast track to December.
Back to school, arrival of Fall and high hopes of cooler weather, Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas! Woah!! Our minds begin to whirl. Our weekends are booked. And on top of it all, we are somehow trying to decide what to put on the kids for a Halloween costume, who's cooking the Thanksgiving turkey, just how we're going to decorate our homes for Christmas, what gifts are going to who this year, where we'll spend Christmas morning, and how there will be enough days in the week, much less hours in the day to accomplish it all.
They say if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. I guess that's how we manage to get so much done in that last quarter of the year.
So, here I sit, barely remembering what day it is, much less what month it is, when the daunting reality hits me that the calendar just changed to October! A few weeks ago, I was writing the date on a form, and the lady next to me was appalled that I had written 16, because clearly the date was already the 19th! What rock do I live under?
Well, no matter what keeps in the slow lane on the highway of life, I like it here. My neighbors know to call if the world is ending, or a hurricane's coming. The sky gets dark each night so I remember to sleep. And my dog barks when he's hungry. I'm good.

In that time set by the heat of the tea, my world realigns. Sometimes I write, sometimes I read Scriptures, sometimes I have a chat, sometimes I send out thoughts from my heart in emails to friends and family, sometimes I just sit still and stare into space and sometimes I just browse the things online that I have been meaning to look up. But every time is time well spent.
"Drink your tea slowly and reverently,
as if it is the axis on which the world
earth revolves -
slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future."
~Thich Nat Hahn
Care for a cup of tea?
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