Regarding relationships..which face it, are at the core of all things in life...all other attempts outside of love will eventually fail.
For example...
If you're living up a time of great success in your life, you may get initial celebrations, but most people will end up resenting you because you're actually doing something that they have only wished they had done. The people who stand by you and believe that even this great success is just the beginning of what you will accomplish, really love you.
If you're going through a time of darkness in your life, you may initially be comforted and encouraged by your friends, but people will end up not calling you to hang out because who likes to be around a bump on a log? The people who show up at your doorstep to cry with you, or go the extra mile to help you remember that this difficult time is real and it hurts, but it's not going to last forever.....the ones who will gently remind you that this time will most definitely build character, but it won't ever define you, really love you.
If you're feeling unusually good about yourself, finding that you're fitting into clothes from the skinny days and happen to land upon a great hairdo, just like with the time of success, people will only tolerate it so much before they start not wanting to be around you because it only makes them feel worse about themselves. The people who unselfishly don't compare, or make you drop and give 'em 20 after you've indulged the double chocolate molten souffle, really love you.
And finally, if you've given up hope of ever fitting back into those skinny clothes which are now shoved deep into the depths of your closet, you don't know the last time you actually had a haircut, and something is making your skin break out, you're probably not feeling good about yourself and once again, no one wants to be around the downer. The people who remind you that one's true beauty is on the inside, and for that you'll always be drop dead gorgeous, really love you.
So, what. You can't win. Being good looking and successful won't bring relationship victory, and depression and dark times won't buy you company. Yet, who wants to settle for mediocre? Who wants to stay within the lines of success and failure, self worth and insecurity. The truth is that we all go through bouts of success and valleys. Sometimes we gain friends at the peaks, and lose friends at the bottom...or vice versa...but the relationships that will stand the test of time are the ones who operate from pure radiant love....well, most of the time, because hey, we are not all perfect and sometimes just feel like riding out a funk.
Love isn't easy, and it's not pain free.
It's something that we all have inside of us.
It stands for what's right, not who's right.
The more pain that is felt, the deeper the capacity to love.
Love doesn't bash or blame.
Love gives even when it's hurt.
Love sees no boundaries- not race, nor region, nor age, nor religion.
Love craves love.
Love has no enemies.
Love can't be destroyed, because it will grow again.
Love gives even when it doesn't know the recipient.
Love is immeasurable, unending and absolute.
Love is in large groups and love is in a group of two.
Love can be goofy and love can be tough.
Love is uninhibited and free.
Love is nothing short of fierce.
Love doesn't strive to be perfect, it just strives to be.
Love is in the moment, but it lasts a lifetime.
Love doesn't need an invitation.
Love apmlifies in adversity, and grows stagnant in contentment.
Love is the easiest thing you can ever let happen,
but the hardest #%@^ thing you'll ever do.
Love doesn't strive to be perfect, it just strives to be.
Love is in the moment, but it lasts a lifetime.
Love doesn't need an invitation.
Love apmlifies in adversity, and grows stagnant in contentment.
Love is the easiest thing you can ever let happen,
but the hardest #%@^ thing you'll ever do.
And the cool thing about love is that when you give love, it's easier to recognize love. Because love is as love does, lovers attract lovers. Look at the people closest to you in life. Are they lovers?
Love stands for falling. It allows itself to let go, fall head over heals and hold nothing back, all the while expecting nothing in return. Take a stand and show someone you love them today.
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
-William Shakespeare
Tell me what love means to you.
1 comment:
Im a lover and i know you are a lover my friend xxxx
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