and so, i let go.
letting go allows growth to happen. i let go of preconceived notions. i let go of expectations. i let go of being judged or misinterpreted. i open my mind and take in the new things life presents everyday. if your roots are firmly planted, then the leaves of your mind will only grow within the nature of what they're being fed.
after my mental housekeeping, my mind is clearer than ever before. and you know what? when your mind is clear, you can take in so much more. i'm not kidding when tell you that i can even smell more vividly now. it's unreal. i can handle more without being bogged down. every experience is more meaningful and an opportunity to grow.
in the tenderness of the clear mind that i now have, i have adopted an organic way of thinking. just like eating organically, it's a matter of being able to experience life more fully while continually removing toxins or anything that would stunt my growth or kill the vibrant thoughts in my mind. it's not a matter of sheltering myself....quite the opposite, actually....its a way to experience more with the ability to decide what takes residence in my mind. we live in a real world. it's not organic....or even really clean, for that matter. but it's real. and never to i want to separate myself from reality. ok, maybe i'd LIKE to, but i'll leave that for my daydreams.
thinking organically is the ability to take in a little shit without getting covered in mud. and because there are no growth hormones, pesticides or fertilizers, it requires a bit more tending to. you can't be afraid to get into the depths of your thoughts to do a little gardening. some days you'll need to prune away overgrown thoughts, some days you'll need to add more nutrients to institute new growth, and other days, it's just about smelling the flowers. organically minded people know their mental gardens well.
i've never been happier.....or more in tune with my children, my husband or the world around me. i am living in the present moment, and yet preparing the soil for exciting things yet to grow.
i smile a lot easier.
i love a lot deeper.
and my feet can barely touch the ground!
“The world has genetically modified opinions, but mine are organic.
Taste them and you will see.
― Jarod Kintz
― Jarod Kintz
"the ability to take in shit without getting covered in mud"...classic Rebecca classic.....
I love the idea of organically thinking...
i missed the word "little"...in your above quote...Oops!!1
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