Saturday, January 22, 2011

Testing 1, 2, 3

Hello? Anyone there? Testing, 1..2..3.

Motherhood. Parenting. Marriage. Growing. Learning. Seeking. These are the big ones.

Laundry. Sticky fingers. Dirty dishes. Dinner ideas. Grocery shopping. Bedtime stories. Dirty diapers. These are the ones under the microscope...the in your face every day, clouding your brain constantly...the ones you can't live with and miss when you find yourself without.

How can a mom manage it all? Are we alone in a bubble of a world where we long for sentences that are sparked by more than the word "why"? Are there really others out there that feel exactly like we do?

Yes. The answer all around is yes. Yes, this is tough. Yes, we feel a million miles away from all civilization. But most importantly, yes, there are lots of us going through the same thing. I find my sanity is listening to the stories of others, and putting my own thoughts in print because for some strange reason, I can appreciate them more when they are no longer swirling around at light speed in my mind, but in print right before my eyes. Maybe it's a distance thing...taking the thought from my mind and putting it in a physical form for my eyes to grasp a glimpse of. But isn't there more humor in situations that you don't find yourself smack in the middle of? So begins my blogging journey.

I can't promise a post every day. I'm not an exceptional photographer. I'm way more creative in my dreams than in my actions. I'm a straight shooter, right from the heart. This blog is just as much for you as it is for me. I'll write to clear my mind, as well as document my days. Read it. Laugh. Relate...and reply. Tell me what your day is like. What did your little one say today that just made you laugh. Join me. We are all in this together.


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