Monday, September 10, 2012


Undone is okay. 

Currently in my house...

Clean laundry is unfolded.
Dirty clothes are unwashed.
Dinner is unplanned.
Rooms are unorganized.
Beds are unmade.
Thoughts are unfinished.
Messages are unsent.
Words are unspoken.


My washer is in constant use.
My kids are constantly eating.
Clothes, toys, and you name it are constantly migrating from room to room.
Pillows are constantly crashed upon each night.
My mind is in constant motion.
Noise is constantly heard.
People are constantly thought about.

Basically, each day is a constant reminder that we are all unfinished...undone.  There is always something more to do.  I was joking with a friend yesterday that if I do happen to ever have all the laundry in the house finished, no one is going to be allowed to wear least for that day.  Her idea was to have disposable clothes for kids. 

When I was a teacher, I thought about this a lot.  Every single day was the end result of hours of unnoticed preparation.   And, as each new day leads to another, there were always hours of unending planning to be done.   Actually, in my mind, the planning was never done until the moment happened.  Then, it was water under the bridge.....but the current kept moving.

Undone is a good thing. 

If life is an open book, we all hope there are many more pages....chapters even, right?  Pages that stand unwritten.  Ahead of each of us lays an undefined future.....days that are yet to be done.   The current of life is still flowing.  The important thing is to feel the current and let yourself move with it. 

We don't even always realize what we are doing....or all that is left to be done.  And sometimes, thinking of all that is yet to be done halts our current doing.  The point is that at any given moment, we are always doing something....even if that something is nothing.  Every spot in time holds a word on a page in the book called life. 

The challenge is to make life happen instead of letting life happen.  As life goes on, words will fill our pages.  Good words, bad words, busy words, empty words.  Life will happen whether we like it or not.  We will all leave a story. 

Life is real, and the current is sometimes strong.  Sometimes the words on our pages are intentionally written...meticulously planned.  Other times, they're written like chicken scratch smeared across the page.  But they're always there. 

The current will leave us behind if we watch from the shore.  Yet, if we jump in and completely lose control, we will be sucked under that strong current.  Effortlessly floating through on a raft is easy, but the current will never touch us....never giving strength to the words on our pages.  It's when we unite with the current, accepting it's energy, letting it increase our motion that the words on our pages will have the most impact. 

As a mother, I hope my pages are filled with wisdom for my children.  As a wife, I hope my pages are filled with love for my husband.  As a friend, I hope my pages are filled with kindness and support. As a stranger, I hope my words are universally translated. 

I am undone.....but the current is moving. 

                        "Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted."
                                                           -Jules Renard


jillp said...

beautifully you Beck!!!

kelly said...

I couldnt wait to read it.... Kids are reaking havock around the house..."i am undone but the current is moving"... Gave me chills! id rather be undone, that done... Xxx girl you have a way with words xxxxx

amber withrow said...

i totally struggle with the never-ending cycle of all of the things that are "undone" around here. at the same time, i am grateful that i have two healthy little girls (and an amazing husband) to take care of & am dreading the day when the laundry is all caught up and my house is finally clean. i'm excited to read through your entire blog in the near future, becky! thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...


Zena said...

Completely understand. Cyclical.

beck said...

So glad you guys can relate. :)